Have done most things equine. From groom in racing stables, dressage, jumping, hunter trials (when I was much younger, and far more brave!) to competing in western riding, and more recently teaching western horsemanship and very in depth equine breeding including AI. Also made a study of equine coat colour genetics.
Westernway Field Safe safety Headcollar.
During the many years I was involved in breeding American Paint Horses and American Quarter Horses I was always paranoid about turning foals out with a regular head collar on. Terrified that it may get caught up and injured. (Not hard to find pictures of injuries caused by head collars being left on!!! ) Made it hard work for halter training.

Phoenix modeling his ‘Westernway’ Field Safe Headcollar
So when I had the opportunity and time. (story to follow) I set about solving this problem. So I sat and I sewed, chucked it in the bin, started all over again. Measured some more, sewed some more and now we have the “westernway” field safe headcollars These have been tried and tested by my own horses before hitting the market. I have sold these head collars far and wide, not only here in the UK but throughout Europe. I have several studs that have purchased these for their yearly crop of babies and I have now extended the range to include all adult sizes as well. These are proving to be very popular for horses that can be a wee bit tricky to catch when turned out, for endurance, ride and drive, transporting horses, helping with head shy issues to name but just a few of the reasons why the “westernway field safe headcollar is proving to be so popular.
I make each and every “westernway” field safe headcollar myself and I take great pride in finishing them all to a standard that I would be happy to buy myself.
If your headcollar does not fit, I am happy to replace or alter it FREE OF CHARGE providing the postage is covered (both ways) by the purchaser.
I make “made to measure” head collars at no extra charge. Please contact me for the measurements I require.
Also see my other products I have for sale….
Lead ropes, Lunge lines, Rug surcingle extensions, Leg straps, Dog leads, etc. More products in the pipe line. (or if you have any thing that you would like made, TRY ME)